The Auto Spectrum

Auto: Experiencing some form of attraction towards oneself, exclusively or not.


About the auto spectrum.

The Auto Spectrum, also called autospec, auto-spec, or simply auto, refers to all orientations that pertain to attraction towards oneself, whether it be exclusive or not.

This includes terms such as autosexual, autoromantic, and autoplatonic, as well as some microlabels and -spec identities, such as autoflux.

Autosexual was first recorded as a medical label in the 70s, but was later brought into the aspec community through web forums like AVEN.

The auto spectrum itself was created by @kenochoric, and aims to bring together all auto terms.


Questions about the auto spectrum.

  • Isn't this narcissism?: No. Having NPD is very different from having an innate sexuality. While people with NPD may be auto, they are not inherently linked.

  • Isn't this unhealthy?: Not really. Being auto does not harm anyone whatsoever, including the user. This is not inherently a disorder. It is an orientation that often just comes naturally and normally to a person, without any distress.

  • This is weird/wrong/gross: I can't make you accept auto orientations. However, I will say that a lot of orientations are "weird," and that won't make them exist any less.

  • Do auto people have to have exclusive attraction towards themselves, or can they like others?: Auto people may like other people on top of their autospec identity. This is called being plutospec.

  • How do auto people date?: Depends on the person, just like everyone else. Some don't date. Some date themselves. Some do date. Etc.

  • Is liking people with the same identity as you (alters who identify as the same person, facets, fictives of the same character) autospec?: For some. Check out the labels page.

  • What about autogynephillia + autoandrophillia?: These terms, and what the experience describes, are valid. However, sadly, many, many terfs use these terms on trans people to demean and deny them their identity. As such, the terms malatorix and wolatorix were created. You may reclaim autogyne and autoandro if you are trans, but that is why I do not list them on this Carrd.


Current autospec labels.
Autospec's coining post itself may be found here.

  • Autoamorous: A self-partnered label where one desires to date oneself and other people at the same time. A combination of being self-partnered and polyamorous.

  • Autoflux: When ones sexual and/or romantic attraction to oneself fluctuates and changes in intensity.

  • Autointera: Also called ceres, ceres spectrum, or cerespec. In which you are attracted to members of other systems that are a version of yourself, exclusively or not.

  • Autoplatonic: In which you have platonic attraction towards yourself.

  • Autoplurelic: Also called eris, eris spectrum, or erispec. In which you are attracted to members of your system that are a version of yourself, exclusively or not.

  • Autoromantic: In which you have romantic attraction towards yourself.

  • Autorose: In which you have both sexual and romantic attraction towards yourself.

  • Autosexual: In which you have sexual attraction towards yourself.

  • Malatorix: In which you are attracted to yourself as a man or man-aligned individual.

  • Plutospec: In which you are both attracted to yourself and others.

  • Self-partnered: The act of being committed to oneself; being a partner or significant other to oneself.

  • Wolatorix: In which you are attracted to yourself as a woman or woman-aligned individual.

Note: Unfortunately, many of these terms have no true source, instead being created on the LGBTA Wiki. I encourage autospec people to create proper pages and sources for these experiences so that we may have a better resource for them.